Saturday, March 23, 2013

Are you happy now?

I know I go back and forth between being totally content with my life and completely unhappy with every tiny piece of it. Don't ask me why, because I haven't got the slightest idea. Today has just been one of those days. Actually, this past week has been pretty shitty. Between the ACT, being sick, Beta skit drama, and school in general, I could go postal any second now.

Along with a sinus cocktail, an antibiotic shot, and oral antibiotics, I was given Prednisone to take for my sinus infection. This shit is insane. It is supposed to make you gain weight, and I can definitely tell. I wasn't a twig before I started taking it, but I had a slight panic attack when I was changing clothes in front of my full length mirror earlier today. I lost my appetite completely while I was sick, and lost a little weight; the weight loss was noticeable, and I loved it. Now I'm back to whale status, and it sucks ass.

On another note, only 66 days left until I get to leave everything behind for a whole month and live in Chattanooga. No one knows how badly I need this. I desperately need some time away from everyone and everything here in Lexington.

I can't decide if it's the people/places I want to get away from, or if it's just me trying to escape my mind again. I can't seem to drill it through my thick skull that I simply cannot run away from the monsters that live in my mind.

I don't even know what I'm saying anymore, so I feel like I should end this post now.

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