Saturday, January 19, 2013

Everything Happens for a Reason?

Sometimes I wonder if the saying "everything happens for a reason" is true. Every time my life goes to hell and back, I tell myself that it happened for a reason. That is one lesson my mom has taught me since I was old enough to understand it. Now that I've gotten older, I can't help but question it. Does everything ACTUALLY have a reason, or is that just a way for us a humans to satisfy our craving for reason behind everything? We're all guilty of trying to justify the shit in our lives. Don't lie, you know you do it, as do I. But, what if there actually isn't a reason? What if things just... happen? 

I could go all religious right now and completely contradict everything I just asked, but I won't. Not because I don't believe, but because I don't feel as though I'm in the best position with my faith to use it in a blog at the moment. I also find that thinking on the other side of the issue, the non-religious side, helps me to better understand the religious point of view. 

So, back to the point of this post. What if saying that there is reason behind everything is just a way for us to make sense of the chaos in this world? What if we give meaning to meaningless things so we can keep a tight grip on hope?  Not that hope is a bad thing, but what happens when you have so much hope in the things that have yet to happen that you lose sight of reality? I have to question this. What if we have somehow tricked ourselves into believing that everything will be okay in the end? What if it's, in fact, not okay in the end? We don't know what it's like in the end because we haven't seen it yet.  I don't want to be too gullible, and believe something that is just going to cause me pain after the fact.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: question the cliches. They might be right, but then again, they could be just a load of shit fed to us to trick us into being happy when we hate everything. I'm being a bit of a pessimist here, I know. I'll be the first to admit that I'm pessimistic about life; I come by it totally honestly. But you can't go through life and not question it. It's impossible to never ask "why?". Once you grow out of asking "why" as a kid when your parents tell you to do something, you typically rarely question, and just start DOING. This isn't always the wrong thing to do, per se, but there are times when curiosity just consumes us. You know it happens. I'm not sure where this post is going from here. You can take what I've said thus fair and agree or disagree, or we can just agree TO disagree. Anyway, I guess this is it. I have finally completed a blog post. I'm kind of proud of myself. 

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