Sunday, April 28, 2013

Untitled rant

"Be the bigger person." They say. "Don't let them see that they hurt you or you'll look weak." "Don't let words hurt you."

You know what, society? Go fuck yourself.

It really fucking hurts when someone you were close to a few short months ago looks you in the eye and says your friendship is strictly school related and nothing more. Especially when this friend admitted to liking you a few months ago. What happened? I'm sorry, did I suddenly turn ugly? Did I suddenly become stupid? What the hell did I do wrong that would make you say something like that.

You know what? I hope I fucking shattered your heart when I said I didn't like you back. I hope the sting of those words through a text message hurt fifty times worse than the words you said to my face today.

You're a fucking asshole. I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I didn't mean to change; it happens, though. Change in fucking inevitable, yet you make it seem like I was supposed to stay caught up on you when I was the one who never admitted to liking you.


I liked you. I liked you a lot. Or, I liked the idea of you. Either way, I lied when I said I didn't have feelings for you in the say way you did for me. I lied to save myself the hurt, but you hurt me anyway.

I'm done being nice to you. I'm tired of putting up with your stupid bull shit when you're going to act like a rude asshole. You can date all the weird whores you want, but you will NEVER have another shot with me. You blew it.

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