Saturday, December 15, 2012

I've started, and failed to actually finish, quite a few blogs on here in the past few months.

So much has happened, and I have no idea where to start. You know what? I'm not going to update you on my boring life. I'm just going to type what come to mind.  (Fair warning that this usually ends badly, so be prepared...)

First off, I'm 17 now! My birthday was Tuesday, the 11th, and saying that I'm 17 is weird.
I just realized that I'm 17, it's a Saturday night, I have a car and money, and I'm sitting at my desk typing a blog and listening to music while still wearing my pajamas from last night. I feel like I should be out having fun like a normal teenager. Then again, I'm far from a normal teenager. I don't like sitting in my room alone, but it beats getting drunk or high.

So. I don't know what to write now. This is great. That's the reason I haven't finished a full blog in so long. Maybe I'll go through one day and finish them.

I have been using my Tumblr as my outlet, though. Lately I've been posting everything on there, as opposed to here. I feel as though this is more like a positive blog, and Tumblr is pretty depressing. I don't like the idea of posting my depressing and scary thoughts on this blog.

I don't know. I can't think of much more to write, so I'm going to be done and publish this now, just so I have some content up on here. :)

<3, Steph